Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 2, 2007

Our First Visit to Dr. Campbell's amazing how time flys when you're new parents. Emma Reese met Dr. Campbell for the first of many visits. Dad took the day off so that he could go with us, and thank goodness because getting her in and out of the backseat of the Blazer is quite a challenge. Dr. Campbell is very nice; we're so happy that Aunt Carol recommended her. She was pleased with Emma's weight gain and said that she could feed on demand, which means that Mommy and Daddy get to sleep through the night until she wakes up. Our next visit is August 21.


Jamie and Jill said...

LOVE....the headband!

Can't wait to see you all tomorrow and give Emma kisses:)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

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