Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Days Go By...

Talk about chompers...this little girl is getting a mouth full of teeth all at once. A few started breaking mid-September and they just keep coming. Forget 2 year molars...let's now call them 18mo molars.

Oh, and let's not forget about the expansion of her vocabulary. This little munchkin is adding words everyday. Now when we talk to her most of the time we follow up with, "can you say" and she'll get this quizzical look on her face and more than half time she'll repeat it.

However, one of my favorite Emma quirks is her obsession with kleenex. I've had a runny nose for months now so I always have a tissue with me. Well talk about observant- Emma for the past couple month will see the kleenex, point to it (while making sure she has our attention), and then rub her nose. Once you give her the kleenex she proceeds to blow her nose into it. LOL...The other day I had the box on my night stand and when I came back into the bedroom she had pulled almost all of them out and surrounded herself. It was hard not to laugh but I said, "Emma" and she looked at me, scooped them up, and blew her nose.

Below are just random pics that have been taken over the past few weeks, which I thought were too cute not to share.

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Katie and Matt said...

She is so darn cute! Hang in there with the teeth.

JaBLes Mommy said...

I absolutely LOVE those last two shots! Emma is the cutest!

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